Sessione parallela 3
CHAIR: Prof. Auwal Adam Sa’ad
Supporto tecnico: Dr. Federico Lanzalonga
Paper 3: Bridging Islamic and Traditional Finance Through Integration of Knowledge (IoK): The Potential of the Third Sector Economy (Jasmin Omercic)
Paper 4: Social performance of Islamic Banks (Admir Mešković, Emira Kozarević and Alija Avdukić)
Paper 5: Value-based intermediation and its social impacts for a new sustainable world (Shah Fahad Yousufzai)
Paper 27: Exploring sustainability from Islamic finance perspective (Paolo Biancone, Valerio Brescia, Federico Lanzalonga e Auwal Adam Sa’ad)
Paper 36: Robo-Advisors for Islamic wealth management: A theoretical framework (Hafidh Abdulla Hemed e Auwal Adam Sa’ad)
Parallel Session 4
CHAIR: Prof. Vahid Jafari-Sadeghi
Supporto tecnico: Dr. Davide Calandra
Paper 1: Imagining a Shariah Compliant SPAC (Daniele D’Alvia)
Paper 8: Financing in the Islamic System and Sustainable Economic Development of Selected Islamic Countries (Sepideh Khavarinezhad and Vahid Jafari-Sadeghi)
Paper 12: Islamic finance and social impact for a new sustainable world (Stefano Loconte and Beatrice Molteni)
Paper 25: Profit-And-Loss Sharing Through Impact Investment Funds: Possibility for Breaking the Invisible Ceiling with Muslim Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Norway (Sarah A Tobin, Mari Norbakk and Mehmet Asutay)
Paper 37: Social Finance, sustainable development goals and green economy: Islamic finance possible contribution to European’s renaissance (Silvana Secinaro and Federica Lanzara)
Parallel Session 5
CHAIR: Prof. Roberta Ricucci
Supporto tecnico: Dr. Federico Chmet
Paper 18: Islamic microfinance: An Effective approach for sustainable development (Hamza Abouchatir and Omar Essardi)
Paper 20: Analysis of Factors Affecting Community Interest in Bengkalis Regency Riau Province Indonesia in Using Sharia Banking (Zulfikar Hasan)
Paper 24: Islamic banking: past, present and future (Ashraf Khan, M. Kabir Hassan, Andrea Paltrinieri and Muneer M. Alshater)
Paper 30: Do Islamic banking in Indonesia support real home financing?: an assessment of procyclicality behavior (Mohamad Rifqi Fathoni, Ries Wulandari and Zainuri)
Paper 33: Islamic Microfinance Model for Small Businesses in Uganda in the Post Covid-19 Era (Umar Ahmed and Bashir Ahmad Fida)