Massimo Lapucci is the Secretary General of Fondazione CRT, a foundation of banking origin based in Turin. He is also the Secretary General of Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita – CRT, a foundation primarily focused on venture philanthropy and impact investing. Massimo is Managing Director of the OGR Company, a former large industrial area in Turin reconverted into an international center for innovation, start-up, art and contemporary cultures.
Massimo is also Chair of the European Foundation Centre, the network of institutional philanthropy which unites over 300 members from nearly 40 countries, including the USA and Vice President of the Social Impact Agenda for Italy.
He has extensive international experience as a board member for public and private companies in several sectors and nonprofit organizations in the EU and the Americas, including the London School of Economics-Marshall Institute and ISI Foundation.
Before assuming his current position with the Fondazione CRT, Massimo was Investment Director for Sintonia SA, a holding company based in Luxembourg.
From 2006 he is a World Fellow at Yale University, USA.