Alberto Brugnoni

Founding and Managing Partner of the Associazione per lo Sviluppo di Strumenti Alternativi e di Innovazione Finanziaria (ASSAIF) the oldest Islamic finance consultancy in Europe that provides worldwide strategic institutional advisory and product development to governments, central banks, multilateral development banks, public and semi-public institutions, regional and local authorities. Former director of the Italian desk with Merrill Lynch Bank, he is a consultant for the World Bank on micro-takaful, chaired the Advisory Council of the World Congress of Muslim Philanthropists, and chairs the International Takaful Summit in London since its 2007 inception. He regularly speaks at the major Islamic finance forums worldwide and gives presentations in Arabic, English, French and Italian. He manages NuoviStilidiVita a consultancy on sustainability, financial and social inclusion, complementary currencies, and added territorial value. He is the Founder and President of Dulcarnon, a publishing house that aims to make accessible to the Western public important texts on Islamic tradition.
