Parallel Session 1
CHAIR: Prof. Andrea Paltrinieri
Technical Support: Dr. Davide Calandra
Paper 6: Islamic finance and supervisory rules: transparency and knowability requirements through technological innovation (Sandra Antoniazzi)
Paper 9: Efficiency Mudarabah Contract Using Business Intelligence (Sherrindra Avedta Prasetyo, Asep Maulana and Miftahul Jannah)
Paper 11: Will artificial intelligence reducing PLS risk? (Wardah Yuspin)
Paper 31: Cryptocurrency bubble risk and the FOMC announcements during COVID-19 black swan event (Mnif Emna, Chakroun Salma, Jarboui Anis)
Paper 35: Proposing Blockchain technology as mediating effect on trust in Zakat institutions (Zulfikri, Auwal Adam Saad, Salina Kassim and Anwar Hassan Abdullah Othman)
Parallel Session 2
CHAIR: Prof. Burhan Uluyol
Technical Support: Dr. Federica Bassano
Paper 19: The legal framework of the Virtual Currencies and its impacts on the Islamic Social Finance (Badreddine Berrahlia)
Paper 21: Predicting the Participation Index of the Istanbul Stock Exchange with Artificial Intelligence (Enes Özdemir, Buerhan Uluyol and İbrahim Güran Yumusak)
Paper 23: Examination of sukuk structures in the Turkish participation financial system (Pashtrik Hajraj and Buerhan Uluyol)
Paper 26: COVID-19 – The Catalyst for Digital Transformation in Financial Services and Islamic FinTech Evidence from Qatar (Sara Cherqaoui)
Paper 32: Role of the Central Bank in implementation of Value-Based Islamic Banking and Reporting in Bahrain – Exploring the challenges (Akhtar Ali Saeed Mohammed and Fadillah Mansor)